Meldonium is produced by a tiny Latvian company that is eager to market it’s product while afraid of getting it banned. There isn’t much official research on whether this stuff works because if it works too well it will get rescheduled, and if it does nothing that’s also bad for Grindex labs. Like most of this stuff, the “evidence” is basically 1) rumors about athletes getting caught with it, and 2) People on reddit who may or may not actually be taking it talking about how great it is.
Fortunately, some chemicals have strong enough properties that one doesn’t need scientific evidence to know if they are working. If you are very over trained this stuff makes you feel better acutely enough that you can conclude that it’s personally useful. I don’t need anymore than anecdotal evidence to prove that caffeine works for example.
The last point is that my article is primarily addressed to “Body Hacker” types who are probably already taking everything unambiguously useful and therefore are most interested in hearing about the stuff that isn’t quite respectable yet, mircodosing ect.
I hope you get to try micro dosing someday, many people find it invaluable for sustaining certain types of mental effort. If you do try it with psilocybin, don’t fall into the trap of doing it so much that you build up a tolerance. The 3 days on two days off formula gives optimal results while avoiding waste.
Thanks for the tip about Adrafinil!