My original question was if you thought reasonable people could disagree on wether or not it’s a good idea to let trans women compete with women. If you think that all trans women should be allowed to play against women why not defend the idea that the rights of trans women to be treated as “women” over ride the rights of other women to compete against biological females only? If you could demonstrate that you’d carry all of your points without having to argue that “there’s not enough data”. A biologically female athlete could argue that if you want to change the rules to allow new competitors in her sport the burden is on you to produce conclusive data that no advantage exists. If you argue on pure principle you not only avoid the empirical issue but also address the core point of what I assume you are trying to accomplish: Gender identity should supersede biology in social and legal contexts. If you could effect that change in perspective in a rational and fair way you’d change the world and permanently establish truth as a social construct. If you instead treat this as an attempt to get others to acknowledge objective truth then you are simply maintaining the same conservative mindset that underlies these bathroom bills, while trying to shift public opinion to a new orthodoxy. Don’t end up like Radical Feminists, attacking the next generation of activists because they don’t comply with your rigid model of an ideal world.