Really ugly rich men are like those 1000lbs men and women who can somehow find partners to feed an enable them. People have “types” and as astonishing as it may seem there really is “somebody for everybody”, even if some people have to share.
Almost anyone would resent a partner who did absolutely nothing but stay at home and provide childcare. Unless your child has special needs there isn’t 8hrs worth of work to do each day in that context. A person who simply “stays home” isn’t realizing their full potential, and that makes them less interesting. I know men who make much less than their wives and still have great marriages. The reason is that they are in great shape, full of interesting ideas and always working on cool projects. Kids can tell if you’re doing something important, and they respect parents more and if they are engaged in something interesting.
Nobody needs a book like “girl stop apologizing” all those types of books do is enable psychopaths and make timid people feel guilty for being timid. The cure for the problem that type of books seeks to address is to become fascinated with a serious topic and devote substantial time and energy to it for a long time. It doesn’t matter if that topic is forensic science or home economics and although gender plays a large role in human existence, nobody is absolved from the responsibly taking an interest in some aspect of life.