Say what you want, the man was a positive thinker!
《沁园春·雪 》 毛泽东 Snow, (Based on Qinyuanchun) By Mao Zedong
江山如此多娇, Jiangshan is awesome
引无数英雄竞折腰。 It’s drawn some famous visitors.
惜秦皇汉武, For example Emperors Qinshi and Hanwu
略输文采; Those illiterate hacks!
唐宗宋祖, And, Tang Taizong and Song Taizu
稍逊风骚。 those dreary men of limited imagination.
一代天骄,The self made conqueror
成吉思汗, Genghis Khan
只识弯弓射大雕。 Was only really good for shooting eagles.
俱往矣, That’s all in the past
数风流人物, the truly great men
还看今朝。are here right now!
Only Mao could dismiss all of Chinese history in a single poem. If he’d been a YouTuber instead of a dictator, he’d have become a national treasure.